Best Clodsire Tera Raid build

Clodsire is the evolved form of Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that evolved starting at level 20. You can easily catch the creature directly in the game in all four provinces of the Paldea region.

Clodsire is the evolved form of Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that evolved starting at level 20. You can easily catch the creature directly in the game in all four provinces of the Paldea region.

Clodsire is a dual-type Ground and Poison Pokemon with a modest base stat total of 430. However, when equipped with the right build, it can be quite effective in dealing decent amounts of damage while absorbing hits with its tank-like defenses.

Ground/Poison has only four weaknesses, five resistances, and one immunity in the game. This makes Clodsire a desirable Pokemon for many Tera Raids, especially the seven-star Pikachu raid.

This article will tell you exactly how to build your Clodsire for the best chances against powerful Raid Bosses and a specific build to counter the seven-star Pikachu Raid.

Best Tera Raid build for Clodsire in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Many factors go into optimizing the build for a pocket monster you plan to take into Tera Raids, especially against strong Raid Bosses. You should consider their ability, EV distribution, nature, moves, and held items if you want your creature to have what it takes to compete in a 'boss fight.'

Here is the best general Tera Raid build for Clodsire in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:

  • Ability: Water Absorb
  • Nature: Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack)
  • EVs: 252 HP / 252 Attack / 4 Defense
  • Moves: Yawn + Curse + Earthquake + Recover
  • Tera-Type: Ground
  • Item: Leftovers

Here is the best build for Clodsire when it comes to the seven-star Pikachu raid:

  • Ability: Water Absorb
  • Nature: Modest (+Special Attack, -Attack)
  • EVs: 252 HP / 4 Defense / 252 Special Attack
  • Moves: Acid Spray + Tera Blast + Recover + Helping Hand
  • Tera-Type: Grass
  • Item: Shell Bell

Clodsire's general Tera Raid build explained

Clodsire's Water Absorb ability turns one of its few weaknesses into an immunity that restores HP. Combined with Recover and Leftovers, and maxed-out HP, Clodsire should be near impossible to get off the field.

With the Spiny Fish Pokemon, you will want to start by putting the Raid Boss to sleep with Yawn. That, followed by a turn of Curse, will add defensive and offensive padding. Afterward, you can continue to click STAB Earthquakes normally, and with terastallization boost, once you have enough Tera charge.

Clodsire's special Tera Raid build for Pikachu explained

The seven-star Tera Raid Boss Pikachu is Electric-type originally and takes on Tera Water. Therefore, going in with Clodsire will give you a massive advantage, as you will be immune to most of its attacks and resist its Fairy-type attack, Play Rough.

EV training Clodsire to be bulky and have high Special Attack will give you the best chance to score an easy victory. Shell Bell will make sure your Pokemon recovers some HP every time it lands an attack on the opponent.

As for the attacking plan, use Acid Spray for the first three turns to reduce Pikachu's Special Defense by 6 stages. After this, you should start spamming Tera Blast to chip away at Pikachu's HP. Soon you should have enough Tera charge to turn into Tera Grass and finish off Pikachu with a final STAB Grass-type Tera Blast.

This guide gives you the best possible Tera Raid builds for Clodsire, generally, and for the special Pikachu Tera Raid.

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