New Grand Warden hero skin in Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans hero skins are some of the most valuable accessories, as they allow players to stand out from the crowd and add to the game's appeal. Grand Warden, Archer Queen, Barbarian King, and Royal Champion have all received new hero skins in Clash of Clans.

Clash of Clans hero skins are some of the most valuable accessories, as they allow players to stand out from the crowd and add to the game's appeal. Grand Warden, Archer Queen, Barbarian King, and Royal Champion have all received new hero skins in Clash of Clans.

While some Hero skins can only be obtained by completing season challenges, other limited edition Legendary Hero skins can only be obtained by purchasing them directly from the shop.

This article will discuss the new Shadow Warden skin that can only be obtained using real money.

All about Shadow Warden skin in Clash of Clans

Shadow Warden in Clash of Clans (Image via Sportskeeda)

There are different hero skins for Archer Queen, Royal Champion, and Barbarian King; however, Grand Warden has a very limited amount of hero skins, and there is no Legendary hero skin for the same.

As a result, developers have included the "Shadow Warden" skin in the April 2022 shop offer, which is the first limited-edition Legendary Hero skin for Grand Warden. The Grand Warden's most recent hero skin was the gold rarity "Warrior Warden" skin, which was available in February's season challenges.

The in-game description of the Shadow Warden hero skin is as follows:

"Prepare for battle with this brand-new Grand Warden Skin! Get this exclusive limited time Legendary Hero Skin offer now!"

The Legendary Hero skin can only be obtained through the purchase of real money. Such hero skins are introduced by developers to help players distinguish themselves from other players, offering heroes a distinct appearance.

The following items are included in the Shadow Warden skin store offer:

  • Custom Model
  • Special Animations
  • Custom Textures
  • Visual Effects
  • Sound Effects

Players can employ the Shadow Warden hero skin's effects and animations by selecting the Grand Warden. It helps gamers gain unique effects and skins to show off in front of their friends and other players.

Unlock the Shadow Warden Hero skin in Clash of Clans

The Shadow Warden skin will be available until April 18, 2022. Players who are looking to unlock the Shadow Warden hero skin will have to follow the steps listed below:

  • The Shadow Warden hero skin can be found in the Special Offers section of the in-game shop.
  • Players must spend ₹899 to obtain the Shadow Warden skin.
  • Pay with discount codes, UPI, or other payment methods by clicking on the deal.
  • Users should head to Grand Warden and select the Shadow Warden skin from the hero skin section after paying the money.
  • All skin-related effects and animations will be enabled as well.

The Shadow Warden skin is without a doubt one of the best hero skins available only through shop purchases in Clash of Clans. Players have until April 18 to unlock the Legendary Shadow Warden skin.

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