Diabetes has become an ever increasing epidemic of today’s time, which has taken wide majority of people in its control. But still, situation not being completely pessimistic can be overcome, should you watch what you eat.
That being said, you don’t have to eat completely flavorless and insipid foods. You rather have to make some healthy choices and swap wrong and unhealthy foods of your diet with healthy and nutritious foods. Without depriving you from your favorite foods, some easy tips of the plan will ensure disease-free and completely hale body for you.
What The Diet Plan Will Do?
After being diagnosed with diabetes, you are told by your doctor to lose weight to bring the situation under control. They might also suggest you to limit the consumption of various food items.
However, only a sufferer knows how desperate he/she is to shed weight and how difficult it is to melt stubborn fat from your body. You might not be aware of the fact that losing five to six percent of your body weight can bring dramatic difference in your life, and thus can drastically bring down your blood sugar and blood cholesterol level.
Who Can Become Victim of Diabetes?
Diabetes which takes place in your body due to excess fats ruins your entire passion for life. Though fat is the main reason responsible for the horrible disease, but all fats do not cause diabetes. Should you have fat accumulated around your stomach and waist, you are more likely to become a victim of diabetes.
People having fat around hips, thighs etc. are comparatively safer than people having it around theri waist. Women having waist size of 35 inches or more, and men having waist size of 40 inches or more, are more likely to become victims of diabetes. In addition to that, should you have family record of diabetes, chances are that you too might suffer from the disease. In such situations, prevention is the cure.
What Kind of Foods The Diet Plan Offers?
The diet plan doesn’t believe in banishing sugary and other beloved foods of yours from the diet. You just have to be wary that you don’t consume high fat foods having numerous calories. Also, the carbs you consume should have low glycemic index or glycemic load.
Balanced diet having proportionate ratio of carbs, proteins, and healthy fats can render proper nourishment to your body. Apart from that, you can relish desserts and other sweet foods also, but they should be consumed in moderation. The beauty of the diet plan is that the meals and foods in it are not specifically for diabetic patients only. Your family and friends also can savor these nutrient packed foods.
Recommended Food Items of Diet Plan
Prevent diabetes diet program has recommended some food items; let’s have a look at them.
High Fiber Foods
The plan recommends consumption of high fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc. These food items being low in carbs and glycemic index shall keep your metabolism busy for longer and therefore shall ensure its proper functioning. Since in comparison to proteins and fats, carbs are mainly responsible for increasing your blood sugar level, you really have to be careful before including carbs in your meals.
Include more water foods in your diet, for they don’t spike your blood sugar level. Foods such as dried fruits, fruit juice, canned fruits etc. cause spike in your blood sugar level, consume them occasionally.
Healthy Food Swaps
You can make some healthy swaps in your diet regime. Here comes a list which includes replacement of foods having high glycemic index with foods having low glycemic index.
- Swap white rice with brown rice.
- Swap corn flakes with bran flakes.
- Swap white bread with whole grain bread.
- Swap white potatoes with sweet potatoes.
- Swap sugary breakfast cereal with high-fiber breakfast cereals etc.
Judicious Consumption of Sugar
Having diabetes doesn’t mean that you completely have to banish sugar from your diet; you rather have to have judicious consumption of sugar items. Most pleasing thing about the plan is, when you will adhere to healthy eating habits recommended by the plan, you naturally will get control over your cravings.
Since high carb foods and sugary foods both cause spike in blood sugar level, you shall cut the consumption of some of high carb foods. If you want to relish desserts at times, you can have healthy fats in your desserts, which you can obtain from ricotta cheese, peanut butter, yogurt, and other nuts and seeds. You shall not consume sugary desserts in isolation. Should you get craving for sugary desserts, have them in conjugation with healthy foods; doing so will bring down their sinister effects on your body.
Healthy Fats
When you suffer from diabetes, you have to be overly conscious about the consumption of fats. Make sure that the fat you are consuming is healthy because unhealthy fats might make you suffer from bountiful heart problems. Saturated fats and Trans fats being unhealthy for your body should be forbidden.
Dairy products, eggs, red meat etc. have high content of unhealthy fats; try to maintain distance from them. For healthy fats, you can bank on nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids etc.
Change Your Lifestyle
Should you improve your lifestyle, you don’t have to stick to any fad diet plan or any other strict weight loss program to acquire slender body and optimum health. Make little changes in your lifestyle. For example, to shed 7% of your body weight, you shall have your breakfast on time, keep you full by having five to six small meals in a day, have proper sleep at night, and bring several other healthy changes like them.
Workouts in the Diet Plan
Workouts inevitably have great impacts on your body. By practicing regular workouts, you can reduce your insulin sensitivity to a great extent. The plan doesn’t ask you to practice strenuous workouts.
You can bring an improvement in your situation by practicing mild exercises such as brisk walking for thirty minutes in a day. Swimming, cycling, and jogging are some great cardio workouts. Besides that, your regular and agile schedule will provide you slender and disease-free body.