What things cost in 1953

Loaf of bread...... 10.5p 1lb butter...... 10p 1lb cheese...... 12.5p 1lb coffee...... 15p 12 eggs...... 23p 1lb sugar...... 1p 1lb tea...... 36p 20 cigarettes...... 22p 100 aspirin...... 12p Electric razor...... 2.97 Pressure cooker...... 3.37 Bank base rate...... 4pc US $/...... $2.80

Loaf of bread...... 10.5p
1lb butter...... 10p
1lb cheese...... 12.5p
1lb coffee...... 15p
12 eggs...... 23p
1lb sugar...... 1p
1lb tea...... 36p
20 cigarettes...... 22p
100 aspirin...... 12p
Electric razor...... £2.97
Pressure cooker...... £3.37
Bank base rate...... 4pc
US $/£...... $2.80

